Self-love course

12-week self-love course

In this 12-week course on self-love, participants are guided and supported on their journey to greater self-love. The course includes weekly lessons with tasks that build on each other every week.

Throughout the course, participants should be encouraged to take time for each area of the program and to show patience and compassion towards themselves.

The course is supplemented by weekly group coaching sessions designed to strengthen participants in their growth process and answer questions. Supporting resources such as multimedia content, reading material and worksheets deepen and enrich the course. the learning experience.

Each week, participants are encouraged to make time for the planned activities and to practice patience and kindness towards themselves.

Individual sessions can be booked separately.

In the course you will learn:

Week 1: The journey begins

Topic:** Introduction to self-love and its meaning.

Activities:** Reflection on personal self-love insights and writing a self-love intention statement.

Week 2: Self-knowledge

Topic:** Discovering your own personality and uniqueness.

Activities:** Conducting personality tests and keeping a diary to explore personal strengths and values.

Week 3: Self-acceptance

Topic:** Accept yourself unconditionally.

Activities:** Perform a guided self-acceptance meditation and exercises to overcome negative self-talk.

Week 4: Body awareness

Topic:** Appreciating the body as a temple of self-love.

Activities:** Introducing healthy habits and trying out gentle forms of exercise such as yoga

Week 5: Emotional well-being

Topic:** Dealing with and caring for your own emotional needs.

Activities:** Start an emotional diary and learn basic stress reduction techniques.

Week 6: Defining boundaries

Topic:** Learning to set healthy boundaries.

Activities:** Exercises on setting boundaries in role plays and analyzing existing relationship dynamics.

Week 7: Develop self-compassion

Topic:** From self-critic to self-compassionate friend.

Activities:** Writing a letter to yourself with compassionate words and practicing self-compassion meditations.

Week 8: Cultivating gratitude

Topic:** Understanding gratitude as a key element of self-love.

Activities:** Start a gratitude journal and participate in a gratitude meditation.

Week 9: Self-indulgence

Topic:** Pamper yourself regularly and reinforce positive feelings towards yourself.

Activities:** Planning a personal pamper day and learning simple wellness treatments that can be done at home.

Week 10: Positive life changes

Topic:** Making positive and healthy changes in your life.

Activities:** Formulate short and long-term personal goals and create an implementation plan.

Week 11: Relationships and self-love

Topic:** Reflection on the influence of relationships on one’s own sense of self-love.

Activities:** Relationship analysis and exercises on open and authentic communication.

Week 12: Self-love as a lifestyle

Topic:** Sustainable integration of self-love practices into everyday life.

Activities:** Development of a long-term self-love plan and a graduation ceremony to celebrate progress and achievements.

Compensation: 249 EUR